
A new review can be found in the website la part d'ombre.
Concerning new songs...wait and see.


It's been a while since the last update.
I'm still in the process of composing new songs. I hope them to be recorded with a production worthy of interest. The last compositions are darker as I've tried to dig deeper into this part of the Lull's music.


The Lull demo has been reviewed by www.lordsofwinter.com and www.crypticmadness.com
Thanks to the reviewers for their support.
Both reviews are in french language. You can read them

New links have been added.


PC users, if you have difficulties to read the samples with winamp, please use windows media player.
I'll try to fix that problem


Lyrics have been added in the sounds section.

Some of you have been experiencing some troubles to listen to the songs. I'll try to reload the files in their normal bitrate soon.

If you're interested in getting the 2 songs on CD, just send me a blank CD and I'll burn a copy for you. To get my adress, mail me to the.lull@libertysurf.fr